Monday, April 19, 2010

Britney Spears- From a dream to a nightmare

For many, this name can conjure up many images. Britney is everywhere, yet nowhere at the same time. You may know her as the crazy girl who shawed her hair off, or your little sister's idol. You may know her songs as the "noisy sounds the stupid girls listen to", or the songs on your top-10 playlist on your iPod.

Anyway, here's Britney Jean Spears story, from how she achieved her dream of the spotlight, to how the dream made her life a nightmare.

Britney was brought to this world the 2nd of December, 1981. Achieving her dreams of fame, first seemed impossible in 1991. When as a 10 year old girl she snared her first job with a minor part in an off-Broadway play. The role seemed like a dream opportunity for an inspiring child star. But after six month on stage, the reality of it was far from glamorous. She worked six days a week, with the Sundays off. When she even had to work on Christmas day, they decided to go home. When she returned home, she continued to perform at local fares. Then in 1992, she got a shot on a show she had hoped for, called “Epic mans star search”. She won the first round, but lost the second one. Britney’s second round loss, only increased her desire for stardom. In the spring of 93, she headed to Orlando in Florida for a second audition for a Mickey Mouse club. She soon found herself competing in a room full of future stars, like Justin Timberlake and Christina Aguilera. Britney spent two years of dancing in the house of the Mouse, until the show was canceled in 1995.

Putting her dreams of fame on hold, the up becoming star returned to Louisiana, in the life of a small town girl. The break was a welcome one, but less then a year after returning to Kentwood, Britney was itching for the spotlight.

In the spring of 1996, Britney spurned an offer to join a new Orlando base girl group called “Innocence”. Instead the Spears asked Larry Rudolph, a long time family friend, to help her get a solo record deal. She sent in her demo, and they ended up sending her to New York, where she sang in front of executive people. Three of the labels rejected Britney outright. Her fourth and last audition was on Jive Records. Jive signed Britney up to a development deal. But for almost a year she struggled to find her sound. Then, in the fall of 1997, Jive executive received a sample cut written by a Swedish sensation Max Marten. That was the beat called “Baby one more time”. Britney flew to Sweden and recorded five songs in five days. With her debut album shaping up, she then returned to America, and embarked on a mall tour, showcasing her first songs to young fans. Britney couldn’t know it, but soon her fans would number in a millions.

Today, Britney is one of the most sought after pop artist on the planet. But in the fall of 1998 she was a virtual unknown, trying to figure out how to introduce herself to the world. Her debut single, “Baby One More Time”, was ready for release. Bur Britney was beset by doubts over her plans by a cartoon-like video to accompany her song. The music video with the typical school girl, was all her idea, and the minute the camera was turned on, it was like a change of her personality.

In October in 98, Baby One More Time was released as a single, and within weeks it was a top-ten hit. To sixteen year old Britney Spears, the song success, and a long time dream had suddenly been realized.

So what happened to the successful, innocent and beautiful girl? We believe that the spotlight crushes you. Britney has struggled with breakups, breakdowns, drugs, being a mother but at the same time making hits and be a successful artist. If you look at this video we found on YouTube, we hope that it will give you the same understanding from a different point of view, as we got.

We believe that there's no wonder why she couldn't keep up with that life. Celebrities are normal people, who have their good and bad days, as well. Even the ruff struggles, Britney managed to get her life back on top again, and now: Britney is back!

What do you think about Britney Spears?

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