Thursday, April 29, 2010

The music is good for your heart!

Not all medicine tastes bad! A new research claims that your favorite music can protect your heart. Researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicine have done a survey that indicates that your favorite music can make your arties to expand so your blood flows easier through your body.

We have previously known that positive emotions such as laughter are good for the blood system. So a logical question was about other emotions, such as those who are triggered by music, can have the same effect. And that seems to be correct. In both directions. While the fine and easy listening music expands the blood vessels, it seems that the “tiresome” music gets the blood vessels to contract.

To investigate the music’s impact, we are including a survey, on this post, from a researcher called Michael Miller. He got hold on 10 healthy, non-smoking volunteers. They had to pick out music that made them feel happy, and music that they found irritating. The next few months they went through various listening and video tests. After each test, Michael Miller used ultrasound to measure the blood flow in their blood vessels.

It turned out that their favorite music expanded the blood vessels as much as 26 percent compared to normal state. The irritating music contracted the blood vessels with 6 percent.

It appears that music may have its impact on cardiovascular health.
The study is small, and it requires a whole lot more researches on both the music’s effect on the blood vessels, and also which types of music that gives the different effects.

Miller is enthusiastic towards the new findings:” These results are music to my ears, because they suggest a new preventive strategy that we can incorporate into our daily lives for a healthier heart,” he says.

Music can really make you sleepy. Look how tired these people are!


  1. here's question for the bloggers! when is a human first introduced to music? and connected to this question...why are the drums and bass so fundamental to our appreciation of music. Try a background beat for yourself.....teetum..teetum....teetum...teetum...where did you first hear that? why is it so fundamental for our lives?
    African and Brazilian music seems to be much closer to this beat because they are much closer to personal contacts....what is this all about?

  2. First of all, thank you for your comment! We believe that the human hears its first rythm even before it's born: the hearbeat. We think its therefore the bass and drums are so fundamental in the music. The drums in a song its the skeletal in the body. We think it's this reason why the music has that much innfluence on us. The bass and drums are reminding us of our first sound and rythm, and this can create a relaxation to our bodies. The African and Brazilians use closer contacts to eacother, and this may have a contex with their music. Their music style involves a much more use of drums and bass, because they have a deeper contact with their own soul and body. It's also the way they move and dance to the music, that is very different from our style. We also believe that African people are not that globalized and doesn't get the influence from people around the world, so therefore they use the instruments they are available to make, and sounds that they know and recognize, to create their music.
